
Since the founding of the Brain and Trauma Foundation in Graubünden / Switzerland (2006), the foundation has consistently pursued the path of work-related integration of people with neurobiological abnormalities.

1 year ago, Angelica Tuor took on the integration tasks of the foundation with great commitment and appreciation. Together with the persons responsible for the disability insurance, new contracts of cooperation were negotiated. These contracts assigne to her various people who are to return to working life through integrative measures. The disability insurance is one of several clients. It is always about the question of how the possibilities of the humon can be made fruitful again for own development in the work area. In the annual reports, we report on individual cases in order to demonstrate that effective collaboration between medical, psychotherapeutic and socially inclusive workers can support vocational integration at the beginning of a lesson.

New this year is also the support of children with difficulties in special occasions in school. The Brain and Trauma Foundation, along with parents and school authorities, is looking for ways in which children’s school events can be made possible through the use of class assistance.

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