Where: Auditorium FHGR, Pulvermühlestrasse 57, Chur
When: Monday 09.05.2022, start 19:30, hall opening: 19:00
followed by: Apéro
Admission: Fr. 20.–/Students/Guardians: 10.–
No registration required
Flyer: Download here
Digital stimulus inundation with predominantly meaningless material? The renowned neuroscientist Lutz Jäncke: The possible future of humans in the course of technical digitalization. Interesting, well-founded, scientific and simply amusing. Is modern digital technology changing our social behavior, communication and the way we see ourselves? How are we coping with the increasing flood of information that is pouring over us? Is this flood having an impact on our work and personal lives? Are our children and young people particularly at risk from cell phones and gaming?

Lutz Jäncke shows how, under modern digital technologies, not only our communication, but our entire social behavior comes about. We are literally flooded with information that we can no longer cope with. The amount and constant availability of interesting and attention-grabbing news and information overloads our brain. Is our brain capable of adapting to the modern Internet world? Are we already overwhelmed? How will the future unfold? Will we master the explosive expansion of the digital world in such a way that we gain more advantages than we suffer disadvantages?
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