
The Brain and Trauma Foundation Graubünden has been providing support work for people with severe craniocerebral trauma or strokes during integration into the professional world for some time.

In this new project, students are to be assisted on special events to enable them to attend these special events. We think of students who require special attention and support from the teachers and therefore can only participate with special effort in project days or school trips. The Brain and Dream Foundation Graubünden provides persons for these special occasions who can accompany the affected students. The handicaps of the students can be on the one hand in the behavioral area, on the other hand, however, also in a lack of mobility.

Vorgehen: The teacher, who would like to claim the service, contacts the Brain and Trauma Foundation Graubünden in coordination with the school administration (coordinates: see below) at least 2 weeks before the event.

Spätestens eine Woche vor dem Event meldet sich die unterstützende Person bei der Lehrperson, um ein Vorgespräch und eine Hospitation im Unterricht, zwecks Kennenlernen, zu organisieren

At least one week before the event, the supporting person will contact the teacher to organize a preliminary talk and an introspection in class to get to know each other. At this preliminary discussion, all organizational measures must be discussed, as well as the exact expectations of the supporting person in written form.

After the event there will be a brief questioning of the teacher regarding the quality of the support.

Kosten: There are no costs, both for the school and for the affected child or his family. For overnight stays the accommodation costs should be covered by the school.

If demand is too high, the early requests will be preferred.
For further questions we are happy to help you.

with best Regards
Brain- und Trauma Foundation Graubünden

Dr. Andreas Müller, CEO

Gehirn- und Trauma-Stiftung Graubünden/Schweiz
Poststraße 22, 7000 Chur
Telefon: 081 250 76 11/ e-mail:

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