
Course Neuroraum: diagnostics in ADHD complemented by neurophysiological brain functions. An attempt to approach the phenomenon.

In a 2-day course, neuropsychology professionals were taught the interrelationships between the different approaches in diagnostics, using attention deficit disorder as an example. The course was delivered online by the Brain and Trauma Foundation in collaboration with Neuroraum.

Practical orientation was given special importance. After overview presentations on all important topics, these were constantly synchronized with the knowledge of the participating professionals using examples. This aimed at expanding the knowledge of the professionals and at the same time using examples to deepen the meaning of the individual diagnostic modules.

Marionna Münger, Course Instructor, Specialized in Arousal

This resulted in a very good mix between the expertise of neuropsychologists and new approaches in diagnostics, represented by the brain function analysis of GTSG. Overall, the course received high marks, with the fact that the course participants themselves had no opportunities to put what they had learned into practice being perceived as difficult.

The introductory presentation for the overview can be viewed here.